Since its establishment, TAKE ACTION has brought enjoyment to many people and smiles to many children through its activities.
“Participation for all while having fun leads to a smile on someone’s face.” Here are the various projects that TAKE ACTION Foundation has carried out with a view to ongoing social action.
April 2009: Life After Football Match
Total amount of aid: US$183,500

With the goal of revitalizing local communities and popularizing soccer, we held a soccer match and soccer clinic by the players of TAKE ACTION F.C. comprising former professional soccer players.
Many people enjoyed the soccer match, which resulted in a donation by Yamanashi Football Association of US$183,500 from the proceeds of the match, as well as soccer balls being distributed to children in the Republic of South Africa and Japan in order to promote juvenile soccer and the sound growth of young people.
The project to distribute soccer balls in South Africa not only resulted in the distribution of soccer balls but also in the implementation of an educational program in respect of the life skills required by young people facing a variety of problems such as AIDS, crime, violence, and drugs.
June 2009: +1 CLICK ACTION
Support: Providing meals for 100,000 children in the Republic of Kenya
We used the proceeds of the CLICK fundraiser carried out in collaboration with Toshiba Corporation to help fund the program carried out through the authorized NPO United Nations World Food Programme that provides meals for 100,000 children. The WFP School Feeding Programme supports the growth of children by providing meals with high nutritional value, while at the same time providing educational support in developing countries by expanding educational opportunities to ensure that children receive an education.
September 2009 Louis Vuitton Charity Gala for "TAKE ACTION!" 2009
Total amount of donations: US$126,500
A charity auction was held in order to create an opportunity to increase awareness of the value of Japan’s artisans
. The proceeds of the auction will be used for projects aimed at re-evaluating Japan’s declining traditional industrial arts, culture, technology, and so forth, and to create new value.
November 2009 - : Revalue Nippon Project (underway)
This project aims to promote Japan’s cultural heritage and development through the discovery of new value by creating opportunities to increase awareness of the appeal of Japan’s traditional industrial arts and culture, which are highly regarded the world over. We select talented industrial artists for the Advisory Board, comprising highly knowledgeable experts in traditional culture as well as leading figures in the various fields of contemporary culture, and provide opportunities for them to create new works. Through marketing and any other necessary backing support and publicity activities, we provide the opportunity to give more people a renewed awareness and understanding of the value and appeal of traditional industrial arts.
February-May 2010: TAKE ACTION FOR HAITI
Total amount of donations: US$610,000

In order to provide emergency assistance to areas hit by the large earthquake that struck the Republic of Haiti in January 2010, we sold goods and held a charity auction by Japanese athletes. A portion of the proceeds were donated to WFP and We Are The World Foundation.
March 2010 - : 1 ESTHETIC→1 ACTION (underway)
The initiative with TBC Group Co., Ltd. “1 ESTHETIC→1 ACTION” has begun. This initiative links the receiving of esthetic treatment to social action, so that when you receive the Mori no Megumi Esthetic treatment at a TBC salon, a part of the revenue will be used for overseas environmental activity expenses through the TAKE ACTION Foundation.
July 2010 - : 11 for Africa
With the launch of the popular children’s game software Inazuma Eleven 3: Challenge to the World SPARK / BOMBER (LEVEL-5 Inc.), it was decided to implement the social action project “11 for Africa” through which 11 yen would be donated per each product sold.
Through TAKE ACTION Foundation and UNICEF, this project will use soccer balls to implement an educational program for children in the Republic of South Africa, providing an opportunity for purchasers of Inazuma Eleven 3: Challenge to the World SPARK / BOMBER to become aware of the current situation in South Africa and to participate in social action.